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Are you ready to grow your business using digital marketing? We’re here to help!

We’ll provide you with the information you need and answer any questions you may have about S.E.O. and Social Media marketing for your small business. Our goal is to give you the best most reliable advice and provide the best SEO services in Edmonton. 

How To Contact Us:

1. Book Your Free 30-minute Consultation.  Appointments are available on Tuesday & Thursday 10 AM to 4 PM MST.  Book a call now>

2. Call Us at (587) 855-4934

2. Hours Of Operation: We are open Monday – Friday 9 – 4 and are closed on weekends & all holidays. If you need assistance, please use send us a note.

3. Join Us On Social Media. We love supporting small businesses, make sure you connect with us on our channels!

Elevate Your Business with a Consulting

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, having a guide by your side can make all the difference. That’s where we come in.


Why Choose Us?

We’re not just consultants; we’re your partners in digital growth. Our team brings a wealth of expertise and a passion for results to the table. Whether you’re looking to refine your strategy, boost your online presence, or drive more sales, we’re here to help you achieve your goals.

Our Services:

  • Digital Strategy Development: Fast Results Crafting a roadmap for digital success tailored to your business.
  • Social Media Mastery: Leveraging platforms to connect with your audience in meaningful ways.
  • SEO Optimization: Enhancing your online visibility and driving organic growth.
  • Content Creation: Producing engaging, value-driven content that resonates with your audience.
  • Analytics and Insights: Turning data into actionable strategies for continuous improvement.
seo & Ads get social yeg team smiling against graphic get customers

How We Work:

  1. Discover: We start with a deep dive into your business to understand your challenges and goals.
  2. Strategize: Next, we develop a customized plan that aligns with your objectives and sets the stage for success.
  3. Implement: Our team gets to work, bringing the strategy to life and adjusting as needed to ensure optimal results.
  4. Analyze & Optimize: We continuously monitor performance, providing insights and tweaks to keep you moving forward.

Ready to Transform Your Digital Marketing?
Let’s talk about how Get Social YEG can elevate your business. Contact us for a free consultation, and let’s start mapping out your path to digital excellence.

Preparing for Your Consulting Call:

Getting Ready for Impactful Results

What You’ll Need for the Call

To make the most of our time together, here’s a quick checklist to ensure we hit the ground running:

  • Your Business Goals: Be clear about what you’re looking to achieve. This clarity will help us tailor our discussion and recommendations.
  • Brand Elements: Have your logos, brand colours, and any key branding materials handy. This helps us understand your visual identity.
  • Content and Materials: Gather any content you already have, like brochures, product descriptions, or photos. This gives us a richer picture of your current assets.
  • Access Information: While not immediately necessary, think about access to your website backend or any other digital tool we might need to review.
red phone with question mark asking how to get more customers

Ready to Book? Here’s How:

Booking a consultation with us is a straightforward process designed to get you the support and insights you need for your digital marketing efforts as quickly and efficiently as possible.

 Here’s how to get started:

  1. Choose a Service: Review the consulting services we offer and select the one that best fits your needs.
  2. Schedule Your Consultation: Click on the “Book a Consultation” button. This will take you to our scheduling page where you can see our availability.
  3. Pick a Date and Time: Choose a date and time that works best for you from the available slots.
  4. Fill Out the Booking Form: Provide your contact information and any specific details or questions you have in the booking form. The more information you give us, the better prepared we can be to address your needs.
  5. Confirm Your Booking: After filling out the form, confirm your booking. You’ll receive a confirmation email with the details of your consultation, including a link to the virtual meeting room if the consultation is to be conducted online.
  6. Prepare for Your Consultation: Gather any relevant information or materials that might help us understand your business and digital marketing needs better. This could include your current marketing strategies, goals, challenges, website URL, access to analytics, etc.
  7. Attend Your Consultation: At the scheduled time, join the meeting using the link provided in your confirmation email. Be ready to dive deep into your digital marketing queries and explore potential strategies for your business.

By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to gaining valuable insights and strategies to enhance your digital marketing efforts. We’re here to help you navigate the complex digital landscape and drive results for your business.

Book Your Consultation

Connect with Get Social YEG!

Want to learn more about what we do? In a nutshell, we provide Edmonton digital marketing  services to both small and large businesses throughout our fair prairie city.

We love to chat – reach out to our team today!

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