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Are you ready to grow your business using digital marketing? We’re here to help!

We’ll provide you with the information you need and answer any questions you may have about S.E.O. and Social Media marketing for your small business. Our goal is to give you the best most reliable advice and provide the best SEO services in Edmonton. 

How To Contact Us:

1. Book Your Free 30-minute Consultation.  Appointments are available on Tuesday & Thursday 10 AM to 4 PM MST.  Book a call now>

2. Call Us at (587) 855-4934

2. Hours Of Operation: We are open Monday – Friday 9 – 4 and are closed on weekends & all holidays. If you need assistance, please use send us a note.

3. Join Us On Social Media. We love supporting small businesses, make sure you connect with us on our channels!

Get Social YEG

SEO For Your Cleaning Company In Edmonton

When people are looking to hire someone to perform a service for them such as commercial or residential cleaning, the first place they often go is Google or another relevant search engine.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, plays a key role in modern commercial cleaning marketing.  

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    We Start With Your Website

    Websites are necessary investments for anyone starting a business in today’s modern marketing age.

    Therefore taking the time to optimize your website for SEO increases the amount of value it can bring back to your business, as it increases the chances that your customers and potential customers will find you before they find your competitors. If you own a cleaning business, it is worthwhile to invest in SEO for your cleaning company, but how do you do that?

    As we said, one of the key factors of SEO includes optimizing the content quality of a website. Producing quality content means that the copy (also known as text) on website pages is readable, concise, and delivers the result that the searcher is requesting, such as answering a question about commercial steam cleaning. 

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    video showcase

    But what Is SEO?

    Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving your website copy and content to increase your website’s ranking on search engines such as Google.

     Search engines use factors such as keywords, content quality, and user engagement to determine how a website ranks in search results. Optimizing these factors on your website is a cost-efficient way to drive traffic to your website and gain consumer attention over your competitors.

    Why Choose SEO?

    Keyword Research

    Before you go about optimizing your website and writing blog content, you need to make sure you are using the correct keywords. Effective SEO for cleaning services do more than target the same generic keywords that all of your competitors are going after. Effective optimization practices ensure that there is a variety of keywords and keyword phrases used to boost your company higher. Using specific keywords about the unique services your company offers is one way of boosting your cleaning service Google ranking. 

    Website Optimization

    Optimizing your website can involve providing each service you offer its own page with a detailed description that utilizes strategic keywords. It can also involve creating other content like blogs, which may seem odd for a cleaning business, but can be a great way to house keywords and establish your business as an industry leader, especially if other similar websites validate your authority by linking back to your content. This validation is another way that search engines determine whose content deserves to be at the top. 

    SEO Is Cost-Effective

    SEO is a cost-effective way to ensure that you are getting the most out of online marketing, while also promoting your business in a way that can result in an increase in clients, sales, and profitability. 


    Flexible Pricing Plans

    We have experience working with large and small businesses and are ready to
    develop a targeted strategy and plan that’s just right for you.
    Billed Monthly Billed Hourly
    Foundation SEO
    Foundation SEO


    1 professionally written blog per month

    - Dedicated Account Manager

    - Multi-channel SEO Strategy

    - Content Calendar

    - Google My Business updates

    - Ongoing link building strategy

    - Ongoing website support, including updates and content changes.

    - Monthly review meeting

    - Monthly Google Analytics Report

    - Monthly keyword rank tracking

    - Traffic Monitoring

    - Conversion Tracking

    Advanced SEO
    Advanced SEO

    30 Keywords

    2 Professionally Written Blogs Per Month

    - Dedicated Account Manager

    - Multi-channel SEO Strategy

    - Content Calendar

    - Google My Business updates

    - Ongoing link building strategy

    - Ongoing website support, including updates and content changes.

    - Monthly review meeting

    - Monthly Google Analytics Report

    - Monthly keyword rank tracking

    - Traffic Monitoring

    - Conversion Tracking

    Elite SEO
    Elite SEO

    80 Keywords

    4 Professionally Written Blogs Per Month

    - Dedicated Account Manager

    - Multi-channel SEO Strategy

    - Content Calendar

    - Google My Business updates

    - Ongoing link building strategy

    - Ongoing website support, including updates and content changes.

    - Monthly review meeting

    - Monthly Google Analytics Report

    - Monthly keyword rank tracking

    - Traffic Monitoring

    - Conversion Tracking

    Foundation Social Media
    Foundation Social Media

    3 Posts Per Week

    Includes 2 social media platforms

    - Content creation, including videos, and images

    - Instagram Stories

    - Includes site visits every two months to gather fresh content

    - Monthly review meeting

    - Includes as many Video Reels/Month as we can create

    - Daily targeted social media engagement

    - A dedicated Brand Manager & Strategist

    - Social Media Marketing Strategy

    - Hashtag research & monitoring

    - Content Calendar
    Advanced Social Media
    Advanced Social Media

    5 Posts Per Week

    Includes 3 social media platforms

    - Content creation including videos, and images

    - Instagram Stories

    - Includes monthly site visits to gather fresh content

    - Monthly review meeting

    - Includes as many Video Reels/Month as we can create

    - Daily targeted social media engagement

    - A dedicated Brand Manager & Strategist

    - Social Media Marketing Strategy

    - Hashtag research & monitoring

    - Content Calendar
    Elite Social Media
    Elite Social Media

    7 posts per week

    Includes 3 social media platforms

    - Content creation including videos, and images

    - Instagram Stories

    - Includes monthly site visits to gather fresh content

    - Monthly review meeting

    - Includes as many Video Reels/Month as we can create

    - Daily targeted social media engagement

    - A dedicated Brand Manager & Strategist

    - Social Media Marketing Strategy

    - Hashtag research & monitoring

    - Content Calendar
    Start Now

    Unsure Where to Start? Contact Us Now!

    Get Social YEG has you covered with all of the SEO services you need to drive your cleaning company to the next level.

     Make sure you are coming across your prospective customer’s screens right when they need you with Get Social YEG, a Search Engine Optimization Company in Edmonton with years of expertise.  

    Need a bit more convincing? Check out our client testimonials to find out why people love working with us!