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Are you ready to grow your business using digital marketing? We’re here to help!

We’ll provide you with the information you need and answer any questions you may have about S.E.O. and Social Media marketing for your small business. Our goal is to give you the best most reliable advice and provide the best SEO services in Edmonton. 

How To Contact Us:

1. Book Your Free 30-minute Consultation.  Appointments are available on Tuesday & Thursday 10 AM to 4 PM MST.  Book a call now>

2. Call Us at (587) 855-4934

2. Hours Of Operation: We are open Monday – Friday 9 – 4 and are closed on weekends & all holidays. If you need assistance, please use send us a note.

3. Join Us On Social Media. We love supporting small businesses, make sure you connect with us on our channels!

Get Social YEG

Pay-Per Click Advertising

At Get Social YEG, we understand the importance of using a variety of advertising methods and services to help businesses succeed.

This is why we encourage you to consider ppc, or pay per click advertising, to market your company. We have highly skilled employees who can manage your ppc campaigns and make sure that they lead to outstanding results.

    city of edmonton SEO

    What is PPC Pay Per Click Advertising?

    There are different kinds of PPC advertising.

    Flat-rate PCC advertising, for example, allows business owners to purchase visits to their website by paying a fee each time one of their advertisements is clicked on.

    Another common form of PPC is bid-based advertising, in which advertisers bid for a place as one of a website’s top search results when information relevant to a business is typed in.

    Either form of PPC advertising could lead to results and greater exposure for a business.

    Here’s an example how PPC works.

    Bob owns a construction company in Edmonton.

    A potential customer types “construction company Edmonton” into a search engine like Google.

    Bob’s Google Ad may appear appear as a top result if he is running a PPC campaign.

    The Benefits PPC Advertising

    Be where your customers are looking

    Although PPC advertising is an investment,  one of the most significant benefits is that the ads are delivered where your customers that are already searching for what you offer, can far exceed the cost of the advertisements.

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    Track Progress

    Another benefit of PPC advertising is that it allows us and our clients to track the progress, including the profit they have earned, and to determine the effectiveness of their advertisements. This allows for the improvement of a marketing strategy and a plan that will ensure success.

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    See Fast Results

    PPC advertising allows us to target your audience based on factors such as region and language, and intent.  PPC advertising can also show quick results. No matter what forms of advertising your business currently uses, PPC is a compliment to many other marketing techniques.

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    Ad Management
    Ad Management

    Facebook & Google ads

    Ad spend Budget/ Monthly Fee

    $1000 - $1999........... $750
    $2000 - $3500........... $1000
    $3501 - $5000........... $1500
    $5001 - $7500........... $2000
    $7501 - $10000........... $2250
    $10000 - $15000..........$2500
    $15000+........... 17% of ad spend

    Request a free quote