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How to increase your organic traffic in 2022

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Did you know that 81% of people search online for a product or service? If you’re looking for more organic traffic and want to learn what to do with them when they get there, stay tuned! Digital marketing could be how to increasing traffic to your site in 2022.

The statistics are impressive. More than one-quarter of Canadians spent 20 hours or more using the Internet per week in 2020. Established brands with communities of fans are using digital marketing to their advantage. But what about the new kids on the block or a little late to the game? The good news is that your potential customers are only a click away.

While it may be more competitive than ever to attract attention, it doesn’t mean there isn’t room for you.

What to do when you have an increase in traffic to your website?

Let’s break it down by where the source.


Direct traffic

Direct traffic is visitors that already know about your website and deliberately visit; it typically comes from brand awareness, which of course, is the result of all of your market.

  • Offline advertising on printing, television and radio, as well as PR and online advertising,

There is no doubt that it deserves attention, especially since Google Analytics confirmed Direct traffic accounts for more than half of website traffic.

Referral Traffic

Referral traffic comes from external sources on your site, and we love it because it helps increase your brand awareness by getting in front of their audiences and your organic SEO! Referral traffic includes press releases, blog posts or online articles with links to your website as well as directory lists, among others.

How to get more organic traffic

  • Try publishing relevant blogs and sharing them across platforms.
  • If you’re selling products, connect with influencers in your space and look into endorsement agreements (remember you have the opportunity to connect with their audience, which has value. Ask them for their rate sheet and be clear with your expectations before sending anything.)
  • Share the latest news from the industry – but make it interesting. No one wants to hear you regurgitate what someone else has already said. Instead, explain what impact it has on your audience.

Like direct traffic, it takes time to build referral traffic, but it’s worth it!

Affiliate traffic – Influencer traffic

When your brand strategically aligns with influencers and other brands, you can grow your brand awareness. Although not tracked by Google Analytics, affiliate marketing traffic can increase your website. All you need is an affiliate (any person from a blogger to an influencer on social networks) to promote your website on their platform. The expectation is these spotlights on another website will bring more warmed-up traffic to your website.

But what about it for them? Well, the exchange is typically money, but it could be a free product, a link back, or even a public shoutout as well.

With so many different types of affiliates, how do you know who to work with or where to start?

Our advice for you is to think about your brand.

  • What is the message?
  • Who is your ideal customer?
  • What experience do you want them to have?
  • Which platforms are your customers spending their time on?
  • Who are the micro-influencers in these spaces? You could go for the large influencers, but they typically cost more and often have less influence and engagement than smaller accounts. Make sure you choose the right person that is a good fit for your brand.

Paid Ads

While not considered organic traffic, we find we see a boost in our SEO work when using paid ads as part of our marketing strategy. Paid ads are when you pay to promote your content to potential customers with hopes of directing them to your website. It’s a vital web traffic channel.

Generally, it’s an excellent way to promote brand awareness, conversions and help with SEO. The downside of ads? Depending on your targetted search terms, it can be expensive, and when the ads stop, so does the web traffic. So, is it worth trying? Here at Get Social YEG, we believe that it is if you do it right.

 Let’s explain:

  1.  To start, you need to understand your customer. It may seem obvious, but it can cost you a lot of money if you miss out on this step.
  2. Is your product or service something that people are looking for? Is it something they can take action on, such as submitting a form, clicking call now or making a purchase?
  3. Is your product more suited to paid search (PPC pay per click) or on social networks pay (social media advertising)?
  4. Don’t forget, with a paid search, you have data on what was searched by a visitor, but not who they are. On social networks, you have data about who the visitor is, but not what they are looking for.

Social Media Traffic

Next to your website, your social media accounts are so important. We all know that social networks are a traffic driver if you give your customers a reason to visit!

The trick to social media success is organization. At Get Social YEG, we’ve created a process that allows customers to delegate, automate and schedule the online activities that consume too much of their time.

Are you hoping to take things to the next level? Then, it might be time to invest in a social media marketing team like Get social YEG. As professional SMMs, we are here to help brands consistently create the kind of content that stands out and engages their audiences.

Email Newsletters

Use your email database to increase traffic. The best part about email is that it’s yours and yours alone. There is no other company that stands between you and your customers when you send an email. So it t can be an excellent channel to draw customers, keep them interested and even target specific pages you might want to promote!

But how do you start? Well, first, remember that although you probably won’t get immediate results, with time and tending, your email list can be a great website driver. After all, if visitors gave you their email, it must mean you have won their confidence.

Our biggest tip when it comes to email marketing is: 

  • Keep your relevant and specific content.
  • Send specific campaigns to distinct groups; these could be based on the history of purchasing, topics or even by industry.
  • Use enticing subject lines. Don’t lose readers with bland or ambiguous topics lines. Make them clear, so rea
    ders know what to expect and click on your links!
  • Remember that you are dealing with people. Decide if a professional or informal style is more appropriate.

“90% of people don’t go past the first page of their search engine results when searching online.”


Traffic comes from web searches. With an estimated 3500 million daily inquiries on Google, and just 0.7% of users go through page 1 of the SERP results pages (Search Engine search), it is not surprising that the competition is so fierce!

Here’s where SEO enters. If you are patient, SEO can give you the results that last.

Your customers rely on search engines to help them find information. Likewise, you rely on search engines to help your customers find you.

Don’t put all your eggs in a basket.

No single traffic source will give you 100% of your website visits. We know that a diverse approach that combines a variety of tactics works. Do you want help to discover which digital marketing tactic would work for you? Please leave us a line at and start increasing traffic to your website in 2022!



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Get Social YEG