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Are you ready to grow your business using digital marketing? We’re here to help!

We’ll provide you with the information you need and answer any questions you may have about S.E.O. and Social Media marketing for your small business. Our goal is to give you the best most reliable advice and provide the best SEO services in Edmonton. 

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1. Book Your Free 30-minute Consultation.  Appointments are available on Tuesday & Thursday 10 AM to 4 PM MST.  Book a call now>

2. Call Us at (587) 855-4934

2. Hours Of Operation: We are open Monday – Friday 9 – 4 and are closed on weekends & all holidays. If you need assistance, please use send us a note.

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Blog SEO

How To Get More Leads For Your Calgary Business Through SEO

How GSYEG uses SEO

Imagine this: you open up Google, type in your business name, and find that you’re not only not on the coveted page 1 – you’re on, like, page 3! 

If it took you that long to find your own business – imagine how easy it would be for a lead ready to make a purchase to go with one of your page 1 competitors. In fact, only 0.63% of users click past the first page of search engine results. Whomp, whomp

According to Calgary Economic Development, there’s nearly 60,000 businesses in Calgary as of 2021. That’s a loooot of competition, and you need to have a compelling lead generation strategy to stand out from the crowd. 

When you think of your lead generation strategy, your brain might snag on phrases like “sales funnels” “SEO”, “PPC”, “backlinking”, “conversion rates” and other complex concepts. Don’t worry. We’re here to walk you through the process! Let’s discuss how you can get more leads for your Calgary business through the power of search engine optimization. 

What Is Search Engine Optimization, Anyway?

Simply put, search engine optimization (or SEO for short) is the process of optimizing your website so that it appears higher in Google’s search results – ideally on page 1, although any upward movement is ideal when starting out with a Calgary SEO company

SEO is a broad term that describes several different tactics that work to achieve higher rankings. 

Some examples of SEO tactics include off-page optimization of your website page titles and meta descriptions, researching keywords that your ideal customers are searching for and implementing them within your written website content, a robust backlink strategy, and so much more. 

The Get Social YEG team chats about SEO pretty frequently – check out our SEO info database here!

Leveraging SEO for Lead Generation

Now, lead generation and SEO are not necessarily the same thing – but SEO can be a powerful tactic in your greater lead generation strategy. Think of your lead generation strategy as a master plan, and the ways to achieve profitable lead generation as tools within that plan. 

A comprehensive lead generation strategy may include tactics like carefully targeted PPC efforts, a robust organic social media presence, a super-valuable newsletter, and a really intentional SEO strategy. 

On their own, PPC, social media, and SEO are all excellent tactics for a Calgary business to put in place – but when combined as tactics under a greater lead generation strategy, they can be particularly powerful for getting leads through your door. 

How Get Social YEG Uses SEO As A Lead Generation Tactic

Now it’s time to get into the nitty gritty. How do we actually use SEO for a Calgary business? Let’s dive into our process:

  • Discovery: When we begin our discovery process here at Get Social YEG, our goal is to not only get inside your business processes but to get inside the head of your ideal client. We want to know their age, their hobbies, if they have a family, if they like a certain kind of music, and what their dreams are for their business. This paints us a pretty good picture of how we create content based on what they’re actually looking for during their online travels.
  • Keyword Research: Once the discovery process is complete, our team puts their heads together. We do some serious brainstorming and research into what your client is searching for as it relates to your business. 
  • Website Audit: We also perform a technical website analysis, so we can find (and correct) any technical issues that might prevent your website from appearing as high as it can in the search engine results. We look for ranking barriers like site speed issues, poor mobile optimization, no XML sitemap, and so much more. 
  • Content Creation: Once we’ve completed the first push of discovery and technical optimization – it’s time to think about the blog content we’ll create around the keywords your ideal clients are looking for. A steady stream of relevant, timely, and valuable monthly blog content will signal to Google that you’re an authority in your industry – and your rankings will improve. 

This careful process is the key for using SEO as a lead generation tactic for your business. It’s not as simple as looking up a few keywords and plugging them into a blog! There’s serious expertise and effort that goes into it all – it’s a full time job! 

And here’s the thing – you already have a job, and that’s running your business! Put the Get Social YEG team to work. Not only can we help with lead generation for SEO, but we do paid campaigns, social media management, and email marketing. With our team in your back pocket, you can rest assured that your lead generation strategy will be in excellent shape.

Connect with Get Social YEG!

Want to learn more about what we do? In a nutshell, we’re an SEO agency located in Edmonton, Alberta. But we’re not just confined to Edmonton! We help businesses looking for Calgary SEO services as well!

We love to chat – reach out to our team today!

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Get Social YEG


Get Social YEG