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Content Creation Marketing Pro Tips Social Media

Three types of Instagram Stories that will BOOST your engagement

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If you’re diving into the dynamic world of social media marketing in Edmonton, you know how challenging yet rewarding it can be. Instagram, particularly Instagram Stories, offers a unique platform to engage with your audience intimately and authentically. But what should you post to maximize engagement and connect effectively with your followers?

If you read this article you know we love to learn about social media in Edmonton, but it can be overwhelming when it comes down to actually posting. Your Instagram story is a great opportunity to connect with your audience more personally.

Here are three impactful content types to elevate your Instagram Story game:

What you should be posting on your Instagram Story to help book your engagement!

1. Education/teach them something – Share knowledge and insights relevant to your industry. This could be quick tips, industry news, or informative graphics. Educating your audience not only positions you as an authority in your field but also adds value to their day.

2. Face-to-camera/on video talking – Go face-to-camera. There’s nothing quite like a personal touch. Share your thoughts, offer advice, or just say hello. This humanizes your brand and builds trust with your audience.

3. Social Proof/show how you’re helping people – Showcase testimonials, success stories, or examples of how you’re making a difference in your clients’ lives. This reinforces your credibility and shows potential customers the tangible benefits of choosing your services.

Some fun ideas include:

  • Polls and Q&A Sessions: Engage directly with your audience, gather feedback, and answer their burning questions.
  • Tutorials and How-to Guides: Whether it’s a step-by-step guide or a quick how-to, educational content is always a hit.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses: Share the human side of your business. Show your team in action, your workspace, or the process behind your service.
  • Blog Snippets: Tease content from your blog. Share intriguing snippets or key takeaways to drive traffic to your website.of blogs because its an easy way to drive traffic to your website.

Engaging your audience on Instagram Stories can be a powerful tool for building connections and boosting your online presence. And if you’re looking for more insightful tips like these, don’t forget to join our newsletter. Get the latest in marketing insights delivered straight to your inbox and keep your social media strategy sharp and effective!

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“Your first message to a new follower or someone you follow should NEVER EVER be a pitch. EVER.”

— Chelsea L.

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Get Social YEG