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Why Is Social Media Engagement Important For Your Business?

Reasons Why Social Media Engagement Is Important For Your Business

Social Media Engagement, unfortunately, falls to the bottom of many social media to-do lists. Most brands worry entirely about their content while ignoring being active on their account and engaging with their audience.

Engagement is a core part of our Edmonton social media marketing strategy for our clients. We actively engage with previous and potential new followers daily for all the brands we work with. 

Curious about what social media engagement is? Want to know how it boosts your brand visibility? We thought so! Keep reading; we’re going to explain precisely why it’s an integral part of our strategy and why it should be in yours!

What is engagement?

For many, they think all they have to do is schedule and post content, and then they’re done. The reality is that engagement is a huge part of a successful social media strategy. It’s something you need to do every day as a business!

Engagement, defined, is directly interacting with people and content. On a granular, actionable level, this can include sending direct messages, commenting, liking posts and stories, and replying to stories. Essentially, it’s all those little bits of daily interactions you do when you check social media. You likely do this on your personal accounts all the time!

Engagement boosts visibility

Undoubtedly, organic reach on Facebook and Instagram has dropped, and it’s not a secret. There’s a ton of content out there, and “There is now far more content being made than there is time to absorb it” to quote the folks at Meta. 

Social media in Edmonton is no exception. We’ve got businesses on top of businesses all creating excellent content. To reach people now, you need to make more effort to engage with your audience (and post great, valuable content).

Engagement is one of the best ways to get seen. For example, the new Facebook algorithm prioritizes posts that spark conversation and interactions. People who interact with you are more likely to get content from you. It’s how the algorithm works!

Showing up in groups and on people’s posts also means that people can find you by reading your comments, clicking on your profile, or getting a notification. A notification with your name on it is a direct incentive for a person to click it and follow through to your profile.

The types of posts you engage with dictate what the algorithm will show you. For example, if you like lots of reels of animals on Instagram, the app will continue to show you cute videos of animals. These will appear as suggested posts on your feed, explore page, or reels tab. The more you interact, the more likely you will be suggested to those in a similar audience.

Engagement makes your brand human

Adding engagement to social media marketing for your Edmonton business makes your brand more personable.

No one likes to follow a page or profile to be bombarded with even more advertising than they already see on the app. The goal of social media is, well, to get social! People are much more likely to interact, trust, and buy from a company when they connect personally.

When you leave genuine comments and replies and try to like others’ content, it makes your brand more human. Showing up also makes you more accessible to potential customers.

It also shows that your business is active with its community. Followers can trust your social media as a place to talk with your brand and get updates on what’s new and in the pipeline.

Engagement keeps you in the loop

It’s easy to pick out profiles and content that feels out of touch on social media. For example, if you see an Instagram page that isn’t posting reels, you can tell they’re not looking at other content!

You can see what others are up to by being active on social media. You can look at competitors for inspiration and see what your audience and potential customers are interested in.

It also allows you to get direct opinions from your customer. Social media provides a direct way to reach out to your audience and find out what they’re enjoying and not enjoying about your brand. It’s feedback gold!

Connect with Get Social YEG!

When you genuinely engage with your audience, they will return the favour to you. And an active audience turns into more sales! So if engagement isn’t part of your social media marketing for your Edmonton business, now is the time to introduce it.

Want to learn more about what we do? In a nutshell, we’re an SEO agency in Edmonton. We help our clients organically grow their online presence using the power of social media and a highly targeted content strategy.

We love to talk – reach out to our team today!

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Get Social YEG


Get Social YEG